About PollMed

Although many of the articles on PollMed are actually organized and written by a few dedicated writers generous with their times, the synthesis of this medical resource guide truly is a group effort. PollMed’s mission is to serve as a single point of reference for medical providers and staff who wish to share and reference opinions on the best information, educational resources and equipment to enhance each other’s professional healthcare careers.

We think that PollMed is helpful for people at all stages of training – from aspiring students interested in a healthcare profession to attending physicians decades into their careers. While the practice of medicine can feel like a solo endeavor, PollMed aspires to bring practitioners together. As one might expect, all of these opinions are our own but our goal is to be well-researched, thoughtful and current with all of our ideas. With luck, PollMed will eventually become a destination for people who want straightforward opinions on all the medical things we use in our daily work lives.

Creating PollMed is a lot of work and, some might say, not worth the effort. However, the labor-intensive work driving its continued development will hopefully leave footsteps that improve the careers of the colleagues that follow.

Health Writers
Our health writers are aspiring healthcare practitioners who, with the help of senior medical mentors, are working to advance ideas in medicine and healthcare.
Sarah Chen
Jessie Lee

Thanks for visiting and we hope to see you in the years to come.