Best Knee Scooter – 2022 Review

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If you are in need of a quality knee scooter, you may agree with this statement:

Best Knee Scooters Review Guide

Sorting through all of the knee scooter options out there can make selecting the best knee scooter for your needs a difficult process.

With all of the knee scooter brands available today, it is easy to feel overwhelmed with the idea of finding a good knee scooter for your budget. With luck, this article will help break down everything that you need to know about the best knee scooters and knee walkers on the market, especially if you need to get one in the near future.

Best Knee Scooters

Many people simply need a knee scooter for a limited time after suffering an acute injury. Other people need a knee scooter to help move around while recovering from a longer-term health issue. Fortunately, there is a right knee scooter brand for almost everyone with a little bit of knowledge about what to look for in the best knee scooter brands today.

1. All Terrain KneeRover Steerable Knee Scooter  – Editor’s Choice

The All Terrain KneeRover Steerable Knee Scooter Knee Walker is a premium knee walking scooter with true all-terrain capabilities.

The centerpiece of the all-terrain performance of the All Terrain KneeRover Steerable Knee Scooter Knee Walker are the 12 inch tires. Filled with air, these pneumatic tires are designed to handle uneven surfaces such as gravel, dirt and grass without difficulty and are enhanced with a high-grade tie-rod steering mechanism for added stability and performance.

The All Terrain KneeRover Steerable Knee Scooter Knee Walker features a knee platform with padding and 3 inches of contoured molded foam for added comfort. The ergonomic hand grips also improve the steering experience. The basket has a little more than 750 cubic inches of space for storing belongings.

This knee scooter also has an adjustable handlebar and can be used by people up to 78 inches tall. Built on a sturdy, durable frame, this knee scooter can hold up to 350 pounds of weight. Surprisingly, in spite of its bigger build, the All Terrain KneeRover Steerable Knee Scooter Knee Walker folds down easily and fairly compactly.

The All Terrain KneeRover Steerable Knee Scooter Knee Walker is more expensive than other knee scooters.

The All Terrain KneeRover Steerable Knee Scooter Knee Walker is a premium scooter that, as one would expect, comes at a higher price point which may make it too expensive for some people. Also, despite the larger wheels, this knee scooter only has 3 wheels (versus 4 on most other knee scooters) which may impact the overall stability.

Summary Points
The All Terrain KneeRover Steerable Knee Scooter Knee Walker is a premium knee scooter designed for all-terrain use.
  • All-terrain wheels good for mixed use
  • Easy assembly
  • 3 wheel design can decrease stability
  • Not for people with tight budgets

2. KneeRover Economy Knee Scooter  – Good Value

The KneeRover Economy Knee Scooter is a good all-around option for people looking for a quality knee scooter with a number of helpful features. The KneeRover Economy Knee Scooter thinks of itself as a crutch alternative in a fashionable matte black finish or metallic blue.

With dual adjustable locking hand brakes and a push button parking brake, the KneeRover Economy Knee Scooter provides added control to prevent slippage. The 7.5 inch rubber tires provide traction for both indoor and outdoor use. Some emphasis has been placed on comfort as the knee platform is padded and adjustable.

This knee scooter folds down so that it can be easily transported for use on the go or stored for future use. And, at under 24 pounds, lifting the Kneewalker knee scooter is manageable. Despite its light weight, the KneeRover Economy Knee Scooter can accommodate people up to 300 pounds and between the heights of 54 and 78 inches.

Accessories such as phone and cup holders, headlights and baskets are available as add ons for anyone looking to spice up this knee scooter. This knee scooter does not require a lot of assembly out of the package. For people recovering from broken bones or a recent surgery, the KneeRover Economy Knee Scooter is a good value for the price.

Some people will find that the KneeRover Economy Knee Scooter is not very stable on uneven terrain.

Some people have found this knee scooter to be highly unstable on any surface that is not particularly smooth, especially when it is controlled with one hand. Also, while the KneeRover Economy Knee Scooter maneuvers relatively well, some might find tight corners to be harder to turn through as the turning radius is not that great.

Summary Points
The KneeRover Economy Knee Scooter offers a nice range of features at an attractive price.
  • Transports easily
  • Good price point
  • Limited turning radius
  • Unstable on uneven surfaces

3. Drive Medical Knee Walker

The Drive Medical Dual Pad Steerable Knee Walker takes pride in offering the convenience of a knee scooter with some extra maneuverability. This knee scooter is one to consider if you have had a recent surgery a sprain or a fractured bone.

One of the notable features of the Drive Medical Dual Pad Steerable Knee Walker is two-piece pad. Depending on the fit, this form of knee cushion can provide some extra room if the splint or cast sticks out from the leg. The knee pad’s height can also be adjusted without any tools for added comfort. The handle bars are also adjustable to accommodate a range of heights. The hand operated brake combines with dual lock wheel brakes although the brake tension could be improved.

The Drive Medical Dual Pad Steerable Knee Walker sports slightly larger 8 inch casters. Suitable for both indoor or light outdoor use, this knee scooter can accommodate people weighing up to 350 pounds. This knee scooter also folds down easily for people who want to take it on a trip. Available in a silver finish, this knee scooter also has a removable front basket.

The Drive Medical Dual Pad Steerable Knee Walker could use a brake upgrade.

Like most knee scooters, this model does not do well over edges or curbs or on steep inclines. This problem is amplified by the tension in the brakes as many people will find that they need to squeeze the brakes very tightly in order to generate enough friction to stop the tires. Not something most people will want to deal with if the knee scooter is rolling down an incline. Also, the basket attachment mechanism could be a bit stronger.

Summary Points
The Drive Medical Dual Pad Steerable Knee Walker is a nice choice for people interested in a two-piece knee cushion.
  • Two-piece cushion useful for certain splint types
  • 350 pound weight limit
  • Brakes need more friction
  • Basket assembly could use a stronger clip

4. ELENKER Steerable Knee Walker Deluxe Medical Scooter

The ELENKER Steerable Knee Walker Deluxe Medical Scooter is another quality knee scooter choice in the class of lightweight knee scooters. The ELENKER Steerable Knee Walker Deluxe Medical Scooter bills itself as a knee cart with versatility with a variety of features to enhance the riding experience.

The ELENKER Steerable Knee Walker is designed for both indoor and outdoor use. Easy to fold, transport and store, this knee walker has 8 inch wheels and a weight capacity of 300 pounds. Like similar knee scooters on the market, the ELENKER Steerable Knee Walker has brake controls on, in this case, both handles as an added benefit. Assembly is also a cinch.

One nicer feature of this knee scooter is the memory foam knee pad. While it is not difficult to add extra cushioning to any knee scooter pad, it is nice to see some thought put into the overall riding experience.

The basket on this knee scooter is of higher quality when compared to baskets found on other knee walker brands as it is made of durable plastic and can hold a decent amount of volume.

The ELENKER Steerable Knee Walker Deluxe Medical Scooter’s basket has a wide turning radius.

The ELENKER Steerable Knee Walker Deluxe Medical Scooter does have a wide turning radius as a tradeoff for the stability that it offers which can required large multipoint turns. Also, the basket tends to fall off with just a little jostling which can be annoying. Some third-party reports are also that customer service can be spotty at times.

Summary Points
The ELENKER Steerable Knee Walker Deluxe Medical Scooter offers a more cushioned ride at a reasonable price point.
  • Softer knee cushion improves comfort
  • Durable basket with good storage
  • Wide turning radius
  • Basket falls off too easily

5. KneeRover QUAD All Terrain Knee Walker  – Best Outdoor Knee Scooter

The KneeRover QUAD All Terrain Knee Walker is a premium scooter that is a great choice for people looking for a knee walker primarily suited for outdoor use.

This particular knee scooter is one of the first models with four, 12 inch air-filled tires (versus three tires). This design enables use on rugged surfaces with improved stability when compared to three-wheel knee scooters or knee walkers with smaller tires. Like other all-terrain knee scooters, the KneeRover QUAD All Terrain Knee Walker utilizes a tie-rod system as well as a drum braking system to enhance steering control.

The KneeRover QUAD All Terrain Knee Walker also comes with other standard features found on knee scooters, including a locking hand brake and an adjustable knee pad. The frame is durable and can support weights up to 350 pounds and people as tall as 6′ 4″. When used on the go, the KneeRover QUAD All Terrain Knee Walker folds up pretty easily.

The KneeRover QUAD All Terrain Knee Walker is expensive and has a wide turning radius.

While it can be used indoors, the expensive price point and premium features make this knee scooter less appealing as an all-purpose choice. One other point to consider is that this knee scooter has a wide turning radius and will not maneuver well in tight spaces without lifting.

Summary Points
The KneeRover QUAD All Terrain Knee Walker is a good choice for people who want a knee scooter that can do the job outside.
  • Stable, 4-wheel design
  • Large, rugged tires for all terrains
  • High price point
  • Wide turning radius

Best Knee Scooters – Anatomy

Knee scooters can provide a more comfortable alternative to crutches for people who need assistance with certain walking issues. What makes a good knee scooter? There is a range of features that go into a knee scooter which can make or break the riding experience. Let’s take a look at the key anatomical components.

The wheels found on knee scooters come in various sizes and materials. Most of the time, in the knee scooter value price range, knee scooter wheels are 7.5 to 8 inches and are made of rubber. While this type of wheel does help keep the knee scooter cost down, it does limit the usability of a knee walker scooter on uneven terrain.

Knee Pad Cushion
Anyone using a knee scooter will tell you that a lot of hours are spent resting one’s knee on the knee pad cushion. And so, having a comfortable knee pad cushion can make or break the knee scooter riding experience. Also, some knee scooters have knee pad cushions that are divided into two parts versus one cushion and figuring out the right setup is often just trial and error. In most cases, you can also add blankets or other layers to the cushion itself to make it even more comfortable.

While speed tests are not an important metric of a good knee scooter, having quality brakes is a nice addition. After all, it is hard to know when one will hit an incline or slope that will require use of the brakes. Most knee walkers have brakes built it – some with hand brakes on one handle while others have hand brakes on both handles.

A market for knee scooter accessories exists and consists of items such as phone holders, cup holders and even lights. Of all the accessories out there, the basket is the one that is the most useful as carrying items around can become a chore with difficulty walking around. Good baskets on knee scooters are high quality, spacious and clip and stay on to the knee scooter without falling off easily.

Choosing A Knee Walker / Scooter

Not all knee scooters are created equally, and the best knee scooter for you will involve considering some key features. In all cases, the choice and use of a knee scooter should be done under the supervision of one’s orthopedic surgeon.

How comfortable is the cushion?
Given the limited length of use of most knee scooters, having the world’s best cushion is not essential. On the other hand, riding a knee scooter with a decent cushion is far better than riding a scooter with a bad cushion.

Does it have brakes?
While they may not seem that important at first, functioning brakes can be a real enhancement to a knee scooter. After all, riding a knee scooter means that some part of your leg is healing and twisting around while riding the scooter is much more difficult to do.

What terrain will you be using it on?
While the point of a knee scooter is not to go off-roading, it is still valuable to consider if one’s knee scooter will have to navigate uneven terrain such as grass or snow. For those uses, knee scooters with pneumatic tires are more expensive but usually a better choice.

How price sensitive are you?
Let’s face it, no one wants the added expense of a knee scooter after dealing with a recent surgery or medical expenses related to setting a broken bone. The knee scooter’s price, for most people, is an issue that is an important consideration.

How long will you be using it?
The length of use of a knee scooter is a consideration when determining how much to invest in a quality knee walker. After all, people who are only going to use the knee scooter for a few weeks may be less hesitant to invest money in a super sturdy option. On the other hand, longer term use will often require a larger investment in a stable scooter with a durable frame.

Is it stable?
Stability is an important issue in a knee scooter and one that can vary widely, especially on uneven terrains. While less common overall, if the plan is to use the knee scooter in less than perfect environments, consider getting a scooter that has more natural stability.

How much does it weigh?
Knee scooters come in a range of weights. There is frequently a tradeoff between light weight and stability although the quality of the materials used will also play a role in the overall weight.

Does it fold up?
Some people want a knee scooter that will help them maneuver through a specific area of their home. Other people want a knee scooter that they can use on the go. For use while traveling, a knee scooter that can fold up into a compact size is almost always essential (unless one has a lot of space in the back of your car or a van).

How well does it maneuver?
For straight line use, most knee scooters will do the job. Life is not always straight, though, and some people will need a knee scooter that can get them through tight corners and living spaces. Maneuverability often depends on the turning radius of the front wheel.

Best Knee Scooters By Need

Sometimes, it is better to think about choosing the best knee scooter based on specific criteria as to how it is going to be used. Here are some scenarios paired with knee scooter recommendations that may help people determine which knee walker might be best for them.

Best knee scooter for travel
Staying cooped up at home is no fun when one has a healing lower extremity. However, traveling brings unexpected terrain and having a knee scooter that can handle those surfaces is a must. For the adventurous type (even while injured), a knee scooter such as the KneeRover QUAD All Terrain Knee Walker is often a good choice to handle the surprises that the road has to offer.

Best knee scooter for carpet
Carpet, along with other terrains such as grass and gravel, are inherently uneven, adding complexity to the path from point A to B when using a knee scooter. Knee scooters that have to navigate carpet require more advanced wheels and responsive steering and control. One of the best knee scooters for carpet is the All Terrain KneeRover Steerable Knee Scooter as it provides stability over uneven surfaces at a reasonable price point.

Best knee scooter for foot surgery / broken foot
Comfort without a huge cost can be a desire after undergoing medical expenses related to a foot surgery. The foam cushion on the ELENKER Steerable Knee Walker Deluxe is one to take a look at for use while on the mend.

Best portable knee scooter
A portable knee scooter is slightly different from a travel knee scooter even though there may be a good amount of overlap in features. The key aspect of a portable knee scooter is that it is small and compact, regardless of how well it folds up or not (versus a travel scooter). For people interested in getting a small, light and portable knee scooter, the Drive Medical Knee Walker is an interesting option to consider.

Best Knee Scooters – Summary Points

With a bit of luck, this article on the best knee scooters around has helped you identify what features you might want in a knee scooter to help you in your particular situation. Most knee walkers and knee scooters will do a good job and, for most people, it is not worth stressing out too much about details before just giving a certain type of knee scooter a try. Best of luck for a speedy recovery to the knee scooter user!

This information is meant for informational purposes and is not intended to be used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.